
This site is a part of a much-wider Legacy initiative.

Life-focused, preparations are advancing towards a Launch.

It is designed to assist improvements in Life-related issue-resolution.

This is feasible by specialist use of Core understandings.

Overall, it is to be generated by a matrix of facilities.

Income percentages will be appropriated to wider Benevolence.

Also, some aspects will be progressed through 'Social Enterprises'.

This will include offering opportunities to third-party Causes.

Options are also in prospect for supporter income.

This can be for the supporter, and/or donated elsewhere

The objective is a world-class project.

Support has been by benefactors, with most time being given.

Funding is now needed to effect a Launch.

The sale of '2-WOW' can further the process.

If interested, please make Contact

Questions are answered at 'FAQs'.


Additional information about the project is at 'Astute Moves'

The initial to-be-funded services are listed at 'Help 4 All'

Directly investing in the project is via: Invest

Donating to it is via: Donate